Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008

Renovatio, a concept motorcycle.

A motorcycle is a vehicle, ridden for transportation. It does not have 4 wheels like a car. It has 2 wheels like a bicycle. But it has a motor like a car.

Nowadays (2008), motorcycles (bikes) are used for both transportation and extreme sports. Since motorcycles can be lighter than cars, they have the ability to accelerate more quickly. On-road bikes, which are normally licensed by a traffic authority for a person to use, require a special type of driver's licence to be ridden legally. Off-road bikes are not permitted to be ridden with traffic on the road. Speed and stunts are the main aims for off-road bike sports. On-road bikes are much faster than off-road bikes and can be used in sport like cars are in Formula 1 racing.

The Renovatio Concept Motorcycle - demure, sophisticated, eclectic and open

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